King Street Orchard's Clean-Up Information


Trash Bins

  • All trash must be placed in the orchard's trash bins on the evening of the event. The trash bins are located at the front of the orchard.
  • Liquor/ food/ equipment boxes must be broken down before placing them in the trash bins.

Guest Tables/ Perimeter Tables Eg. DJ Area

  • Please leave all table clothes and cloth napkins on the table.
  • Guest tables should be clear of all debris, glasses, dishes, party favors, decorations, and centerpieces.
  • Coffee pots and self-serve dispensers with liquid cannot be emptied at the orchard.
  • Any road signs and balloons put out by the client must be picked up on the evening of the event.

Lights Out

  • King Street Orchard's lights are off by 11:00 PM.
  • All vendors must have their equipment packed and picked up by 11:00 PM.

Failure to comply with King Street Orchard's Clean-Up Information will result in a $75.00 an hour cleaning fee paid by the client. The cleaning fee will be taken from the client's deposit.


I (We) have read the above clean-up information:


Client or Clients Signature ________________________________________
